Excision Post Op Care
Post-operative review
You will need to phone Dr Daoud’s office on (07) 3397 8499 when you are discharged from hospital, to make a post-operative review 2 weeks after surgery.
Post-operative pain is normal but the intensity can differ between individuals. Analgesia will be given to you during your hospital stay and made available to you on your discharge if still required. Please refer to the Medications section below.
Wound / Dressing
The wound is to be kept clean and dry. The stitches are usually dissolvable but if not they will be removed in 7-10 days. A waterproof dressing will be applied to your wound before discharge. This is to be kept on for 7-10 days. If the dressings fall off before then you will need to have this re-dressed. Keep the dressing on and dry for 5-7 days from the day of surgery. On day 5-7, remove the top dressing, keeping the steri-strips on until your post-op review with Dr Daoud.
Remove the dressing if any of the following happens:
- the dressing is soaked accidentally
- heavily stained
- has discharge trapped underneath
- there is redness around the dressing
If you are unsure or worried about your wound, please phone our rooms, or see your GP.
Skin Graft Care
Please keep pressure dressings on until your review with Dr Daoud. The dressing must remain dry.
Mild to moderate swelling is to be expected. This will continue to improve.
You will be able to drink 4 hours after your operation and have a light diet if you desire. A normal diet and fluid intake is usually started on the day following your operation.
24 hours after your surgery you must not drive any motor-vehicle or operate any machinery. You must not undertake any important new projects, make important decision or sign legal documents. You must not drink any alcohol. Alcohol and prescribed medications is a dangerous mix. You should gradually return to normal activities. It is important to include walking in your daily routine and try to avoid standing still for long periods. No swimming until the wound is completely healed. You are not able to undergo any exercise for 4 weeks.
Nausea and vomiting
Some people are very sensitive to surgical procedures. Nausea and vomiting may occur as a result of the general anaesthesia, the procedure performed or the medication prescribed.
If you have nausea and vomiting, please do the following:
- Keep well hydrated with frequent small drinks of clear fluids. It is recommended that you drink water, lemonade or diluted fruit juice. Avoid milk.
- Cease your medications, as in most cases the nausea and/or vomiting is related to the antibiotics prescribed. Once these have been ceased the nausea and/or vomiting will usually resolve.
- Contact Dr Daoud’s office at Greenslopes if the nausea and/or vomiting persists.
You will generally be prescribed pain killers. It is imperative that you notify Dr Daoud’s office of any allergies you may have to any medication. If you are taking medication prescribed by your doctor you need to return to your normal dosage schedule as soon as possible after surgery, unless directed otherwise. If you are having problems with bowel motions you may require an over-the-counter laxative preparation, such as Movicol.
Return to work / school
This will depend on the type of work you do. It is important not to be standing in one place for a long period of time. It is usually 2-3 weeks before you return to your normal work activities. If you require a medical certificate, please contact Dr Daoud’s office after your surgery and one will be arranged.
If you develop a post-operative infection, remember it will not generally appear until 1-2 weeks after your operation. If this does occur, please contact Dr Daoud’s office to book an appointment. You will normally be prescribed a course of antibiotics after your surgery. It is important that the full course of antibiotics is completed.
Post-operative complications are uncommon, but if they do occur please contact Dr Daoud’s office for advice.
Special Issues of concern:
- Increasing or persistent pain for 4-5 days.
- Swelling around the wound site.
- Redness or heat around the wound site.
- Persistent nausea and/or vomiting.
- Persistent discharge from the wound site.
Please do not call your referring doctor, or local GP before you contact Dr Daoud’s office. Our office number is 07 3397 8499 and we are open from Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm.
- Fluid may build up under the wound (seroma), which may discharge through the suture line.
- There may be scarring as part of the normal healing process.
- The edges of the wound may not be in perfect alignment and may overlap. The body will correct this, but the resulting scar will vary between individuals.
- The wound may heal and then stretch as time progresses.
- The wound may heal with a thick raised scar, which may be discoloured and painful.
- There is an increased risk for obese patients in developing wound and chest infections, heart and lung complications and thrombosis.
- There is an increased risk for smokers to develop wound and chest infections, heart and lung complications and thrombosis.